Friday, July 25, 2008

What Will People Say?

We had our first adoption meeting with the social worker yesterday, and it went better than I'd hoped. I was so nervous going in, but she was wonderful. I did not bring up breastfeeding my adopted newborn since we'd been over that already. I posted a while ago that when I broached the subject, she was surprised and said that she'd never had anyone mention adoptive breastfeeding before :( I have already researched whether or not the breastfeeding community believes that I could successfully nurse a baby who didn't come to me until he was five days old, and the consensus was that I could. Of course, this puts me on a timeline that other adoptive families aren't facing, which is that I want to adopt while my two year old is still nursing.

I realized something the other day that had not entered my mind during the entire process of deciding whether or not we want to adopt. Our two main thoughts on this have been, 1) I want to breastfeed the new baby and 2) We will happily accept a baby of any race. Can you believe that until this week, I never wondered what people will think when they see me sitting at the park breastfeeding a black baby? I've been reading message boards for transracial adoptions to find out what other moms' experiences have been, and the breastfeeding scenario came to mind. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of southern Louisiana Good Ol' Boys to see a white woman nursing a black baby? Then imagine what will happen when that black baby is still nursing as a two year old...

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