Sunday, February 3, 2008

101 Reasons to Breastfeed

Here's a great list I just came across that lists 101 reasons to breastfeed. It's got it all; medical, social, emotional, economical, etc. reasons that breastfeeding is the best way to feed babies. Print it out and keep it handy so that when your mother-in-law/ ignorant nurse/sister/ friend start going on about how there's no difference between breastmilk and formula, you have facts to back you up. Of course, if those women have gotten this far without understanding the information is true, there may be little hope for them.

I read a great book that explained one of the identifying traits of Progressives. We believe that if only everyone knew the facts about a situation (Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, for example) then they would change their minds. Sadly, people don't usually work that way. We like to believe things, even if they have been proven false, because we already believe them to be true. Think about it; you are less likely to believe that someone you like has done something wrong than someone you don't like, right? If you believe that formula is as good as breastmilk (especially if you have formula fed your own children), you don't want to believe that formula isn't as good. It is hard to take the facts and change your mind, which might mean admitting you were wrong.

Maybe this list will help convert some people. If it doesn't, at least you'll have more information about the great choice you have made!

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