Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Breasts at Mardi Gras

Today was Mardi Gras down here in Louisiana, and we took the kids to the parades. For those of you not from around here, I'm not talking about the craziness on Bourbon Street that you see on the news. There are plenty of family-friendly parades too (if drunk teenagers and women with underwear over their jeans counts as family-friendly to you; it does down south). As I sat in my folding, canvas chair nursing my daughter and hoping the news cameras directly across the street wasn't getting shots of my breast, I realized that I have now nursed at seven out of the past eight Mardi Gras. Can you believe that I watched a woman stagger by with beads decorated with penises and wondered if I would get any dirty looks for what I was doing?

I didn't, by the way.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Nursing a baby is way more tame than some of the things I've seen ladies do for beads down there!

Nursing in public is always fun, especially when the baby pops off to see what's going on around them... :)

I think more people have seen my nipples than the latest playboy bunny.