Friday, April 18, 2008

Another Phony

I don't generally base my decision on what movie or television show to watch solely on the actor's personal life (there are some exceptions to this rule). On many websites tracking every parenting choice of celebrities has become an obsession. Endless blogs and articles are written on the topic, and I don't usually read them. I just stumbled on some comments by Gwyneth Paltrow, though, which I found very disheartening. After she had her first child, I saw her on a couple of late-night talk shows discussing motherhood. Much of what she said resonated with me. It was apparently an act; she's just like the rest of the Mainstream Mommies out there...

In talking about how she suffered from postnatal depression (her husband is British, so she can't use the American term- postpartum depression) she claims that

she may have suffered from postnatal depression because she immersed herself in motherhood following the birth of her first child, Apple. No nanny, no relaxing massages, no time for herself

Wow! So apparently caring for the helpless, needy creature she brought into the world was the problem. What she should have done was give birth, dump the baby with a nanny, and go get a massage on her way home from the hospital.

By her definition, all mothers throughout the history of the world must have suffered intense depression after the birth of their babies. I'm so glad that Paltrow has hit upon the solution for us.

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